Let's go back, way back to September 16, 1997. I sent my bestie, V a recipe for Pumpkin Custard. I loved that recipe and thought she would enjoy it as well. Well, me, being me, lost the recipe, many times, MANY times, and I would have to ask her for it and she always came thru. For some reason I never posted this online and it was on the hard drive of my old computer that crashed and had to be reformatted and I lost it once again.
I went through everything this week once again looking for that recipe, all my cookbooks, all my online posts, you name it, I searched for it because I had lost it AGAIN. And did I find it??? Of course not. And by this time, I'm embarrassed to even ask V for it again, but I was desperate, so I did, and in an hour her hubby, Rich had found it and she sent it to me once again, hopefully for the last time. So here it is, saved now for all eternity on the World Wide Web.
Thanks so much, V. Whatever would I do without you... 😍
And a big thanks to Rich for finding it for us...
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